Wednesday 25 April 2012


Well, I survived another day.

This one was especially stressful because I had a meeting at work that I was really worked up about.  I get anxious about almost everything in life these days and normally it's never as bad as it seems and I end up scolding myself for wasting all of that precious energy for nothing but not in this case.  This was hard.  I arranged this meeting with a purpose and I was really conflicted as to whether I was doing the right thing.

I'm still not sure if it was the right thing to do but I'm glad it's over.  (As much as I'd love to debrief about it I can't go into details.  There's been some drama at work and I called a meeting with a "higher up" outside of my own department to express my frustrations.  And the fact that I'm totally being harassed.  But that's all I can say about that.)

As usual, I've now found new things to stress about - there never seems to be a shortage.

I've been taking Cipralex for over 3 weeks now and I'm not sure that it's doing any good.  I've had some really dark days.  And I'm yawning my face off all the time!!!

Have a feeling I might have a decent sleep tonight..  Maybe I'll even sleep in my bed (I've been sleeping on the couch for weeks now....not really sure why.)

Anyone who knows me in real life would never believe I am the one writing these words.



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